The Sim

The year is 2393; the Alpha quadrant has largely been at peace for almost two decades; soon the lower ranks of Starfleet will be almost entirely composed of officers too young to remember the Dominion War and the horrors of that conflict. Starfleet has returned to peaceful exploration and diplomatic discourse, assisting the Cardassians in their rebuilding, and assisting the Romulans in dealing with the fallout of the Hobus disaster. Technological advancement has been spurred by the flood of new data that came back in the library computer of the USS Voyager upon its return from the Delta Quadrant in 2378.

In the years since the end of the Dominion War, Starfleet has been engaging in extensive ship building and recruitment programs, with the aim of returning to or even surpassing the strength of the fleet's pre-war status. Due to constant innovation, even starship designs originally put into service decades ago are still being constructed; their designs tweaked and updated to take advantage of new designs and technologies. The USS Mercury is one such ship; though the Galaxy class was originally put into service in the 2360s, the Mercury was built using the latest advances in technology, with various elements of the ship's internal structure, power systems and computer systems redesigned, most prominent amongst which are a redesigned bridge module and an expanded crew lounge, taking advantage of the ship's enormous size to expand into previously under-utilised deck space.

Assigned to some of the Federation's core regions, the Mercury and her crew will find themselves surrounded by Cardassians, Breen, Ferengi and Romulans. Even in one of the best-explored regions of the galaxy, there is still much to learn and discover. Much like the oceans of Earth, the stars beyond the Federation's home planet are impossible to know in their entirety. Despite knowing that the task will never be completed, it is the duty of every Starfleet officer to strive towards learning everything that there is to learn, and discover all that there is to find.

Our Awards

2011 PF Sim of the Year
(As USS Endeavour)
March 2014 Ruby Sim of the Month
(As USS Highlander)
April 2014 Ruby Sim of the Month
(As USS Highlander)
September 2014 Emerald Sim of the Month
(As USS Highlander)
January 2015 Diamond Sim of the Month
(As USS Highlander)
July 2015 Silver Sim of the Month
(As USS Highlander)
January 2016 Bronze Sim of the Month
(As USS Highlander)
June 2016 Bronze Sim of the Month
(As USS Highlander)
October 2017 Gold Sim of the Month
(As USS Highlander)
Pegasus Fleet 10 Year Celebration
Anodyne Productions Outstanding Creativity Award
(As USS Highlander)